Education and awareness are the keys to preventing adverse social phenomena in the Municipality of Naxos

The Observatory of Social Inclusion visited the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades in the context of the field surveys currently carried out on islands of the South Aegean Region. Specifically, interviews were conducted from July 31 to August 2, 2024, with:


a) Ms. Paraskevi Oikonomou, coordinator – social worker of the Community Center of the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades,

b) Ms. Emmanouela Vasilaki, administrative employee of the Community Center of the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades,

c) Ms. Katerina Tserpe, psychologist of the Community Center of the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades,

d) Mr. Vasilios Flerianos, Deputy Mayor of Culture, Social Protection, Solidarity, New Generation, Gender Equality, Employment and Weddings,

e) and beneficiaries of social allowances.


During the interviews, it emerged that no substantial changes were observed compared to the previous year in Naxos and the Small Cyclades, while the need to improve health services was noted.


Regarding accessibility, it was emphasized that the island is not friendly/accessible for people with disabilities and other mobility difficulties. Meanwhile, the need for dialogue with these people was mentioned, as well as the next steps of the Municipality in terms of projects and actions – despite the heavy bureaucracy and the lack of funding.


Concerning the elderly, we discussed the existing social protection structures, the need to create new ones, as well as the importance of the “Help at Home” program. Among other things, the importance of frequent activities was emphasized in order for the elderly to feel useful in society.


As regards gender-based violence, there are few incidents that are reported to the competent services due to the fear of stigmatization and the dominance of prejudices in small societies. The key to preventing this phenomenon is education and proper guidance from an early age, as well as informing citizens.


Concerning juvenile delinquency, according to the interviewees, an increase was observed after the pandemic, while the issue is often not recognized by the family. Special importance is given to the cooperation between the school and the family.


In conclusion, the Observatory would like to thank all the participants in the Municipality of Naxos for their contribution to the research.


(Text and photos: Konstantina Kourkoumari, Theodora Symeonoglou)